firefox pgo ubuntu
firefox pgo ubuntu

FilebugshereforgeneralFirefoxbuildsystemissues.Thisincludesproblemsrunning`machbuild`,`machconfigure`,`machpackage`,`machartifact`, ...,Thenew-fprofile-correctionoptiondirectsthecompilertoapplyheuristicstosmoothouttheinconsistencies.Bydefaultthec...

Mozilla's new Firefox Linux package for Ubuntu and ...


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File bugs here for general Firefox build system issues. This includes problems running `mach build`, `mach configure`, `mach package`, `mach artifact`, ...

418866 - fix profile

The new -fprofile-correction option directs the compiler to apply heuristics to smooth out the inconsistencies. By default the compiler will give an error ...

Bug #213708 “Please compile Firefox with PGO optimizations”

2008年4月8日 — The Windows version is PGO optimised. People will hate the Ubuntu version knowing that the Windows version is so much faster. The official ...

Bug 1634646

I tried to to a PGO build of firefox and it gave me this error which doesn't really tell me much. If any of the mozconfig options I use are incompatible maybe ...

Compiling Firefox with pgo, clang: this is useful?

2021年3月5日 — Mozilla's official builds use PGO and clang. They find it useful. PGO really will double compile time: pgo builds it once with instrumentation ...

Fix Firefox PGO on Linux

2015年3月9日 — So how to fix Firefox PGO on Linux? Well, all you have to do is to add the pgo-profile-run rule in the

FLAGS to compile Firefox 7 on Ubuntu Natty 64 bits

I have searched In Internet about compilation Firefox with PGO and with all that info I have built Firefox 7 with PGO for my system: Ubuntu Natty 64 bits.

Mozilla's new Firefox Linux package for Ubuntu and ...

2024年1月24日 — Getting the latest version with features and security fixes is key to having a good experience whenever you use Firefox.

ubuntu 8.04 下firefox-pgo 的安裝與中文設定

2009年10月1日 — 最近Flash 怪怪的,有些有圖層的只會有底圖顯示,上面的圖層卻沒有了,只好上網找解法,翻來翻去不小心看到了firefox-pgo 版,號稱效能很讚的,就先抓下來 ...

在Firefox Ubuntu 啟用影片解碼硬體加速功能

2022年7月21日 — 在Firefox Ubuntu 啟用影片解碼硬體加速功能 · 1. 登入畫面時選擇切換為Wayland · 2. 設定/etc/environment,啟用VA-API · 3. 安裝Codecs · 4. 啟用數個 ...


FilebugshereforgeneralFirefoxbuildsystemissues.Thisincludesproblemsrunning`machbuild`,`machconfigure`,`machpackage`,`machartifact`, ...,Thenew-fprofile-correctionoptiondirectsthecompilertoapplyheuristicstosmoothouttheinconsistencies.Bydefaultthecompilerwillgiveanerror ...,2008年4月8日—TheWindowsversionisPGOoptimised.PeoplewillhatetheUbuntuversionknowingthattheWindowsversionissomuchfaster.Theof...


